Documerntary "A River Below" Trailer (2017) Field Producer: Maruti Blue
Maruti Blue Productions had the honor of being the local producer in this project! Belgium Olympic Games - Team Belgium!
Visit FavelaArt's website to learn about this project that supports us in many productions.
Watch the 60-minute version of the Maruti Blue Documentary on Vimeo. Directors: David Morris and Angelica Melo.
Michelan's Advertising made in Brasil with MarutiBlue Line Producer.
YAHOO! Dubai Project 2014
AMV BBDO (FedEx Project) August 2018, Rio de Janeiro Production/Direction
Shutterstock (Sheraton Project) August 2018, Santos Production/Direction
X - MINE 70/70 2022 Executive Production: Évimages Line Production: Maruti Blue Productions Executive Producer: Fréderic Gaetan Director: Fréderic Mabrut Line Producer: Angel Melo Field Producer: Eduardo Acevedo Drone Operator: Felipe Dias